Basic requirements
• Copy of Insurance Policy & Official Receipt / Invoice
• Copy of Driver’s License & Official Receipt / Invoice
• Stencil of Motor & Chassis Nos.
• Repair Estimate
• Pictures of damaged portion of the vehicle
• Police Report or Affidavit of Accident duly notarized
• Copy of Certificate of Registration & Official Receipt / Invoice

All claims must have the basic requirements together with the additional documents (see below) needed to present upon claiming of insurance.


  1. Basic Requirements
  2. Purchase Invoice, if not standard or built-in


  1. Basic Requirements
  2. Complaint Sheet of PNP
  3. Alarm Sheet of PNP
  4. Certificate of Non-Recovery (to be secured from TPG after 60 days from the date of loss)
  5. Car Keys

Third Party Liability (CTPL)

  1. Basic Requirements
  2. Hospital Billing or Statement of Account
  3. Medical Receipts
  4. Medical Certificate

Property Damage

  1. Basic Requirements
  2. Third Party Requirements:
    2.1 Copy of Certificate of Registration & Official Receipt / Invoice
    2.2 Copy of Driver’s License & Official Receipt / Invoice
    2.3 Pictures of damaged portion of the vehicle
    2.4 Repair Estimate
    2.5 Certificate of No-Claim from third party’s insurer


  1. Basic Requirements
  2. Hospital Billing / Statement of Account
  3. Medical Receipts
  4. Medical Certificate
  5. Copy of Marriage Contract
  6. Copy of Birth Certificate
  7. Death Certificate



Initial requirements to be submitted by the Claimant/Obligee:
a.) Copy of the Bond;
b.) Construction Agreement/Contract; P.O.; NOA; NTP, whichever applies;
c.) Notice to principal/contractor for violation of the contract/agreement due to: delay; negative slippage; incapable of handling the project; poor performance; lack of measure undertaken to resolve various issues on site; non-compliance with the instructions or Terms Of Reference (TOR); failure to meet the scheduled stage/target under the plan or methodology; &/or other violations under the contract (duly signed received by the principal/contractor);
d.) Reply or Letter explanation of the principal;
e.) Notice of Claim against the bond addressed to CIC/Bond’s Dept. about the nature and extent/amount of claim;
f.) Investigation Report/Narrative Report by the Obligee on the facts and nature of claim;
g.) Minutes of the meeting held between the Principal and Obligee, if any;
h.) Taking Over Certificate or contract/agreement of taking over to finish the project including proof of additional expenses incurred if the was taking over;
i.) Pictures of the project showing status/stage, actual performance and percentage of accomplishment at the time of abandonment, stoppage and/or taking over of the project;
j.) Voucher, Invoice (O.R.) or other proof of down payment, progress billings and payments;
k.) Notice from the Claimant/Obligee to terminate the contract (duly received by the Principal/Contractor); Reply or Letter explanation by the principal;
l.) Other requirements may be required during the evaluation process.

*Please note that required documents may vary depending upon the extent, nature and the amount of the claim involved.

• Notify and inform CIC of a loss
• Furnish a complete inventory of damaged and undamaged properties showing detailed quantity, cost and loss
• Render a proof of loss / submit a Sworn Statement in proof of loss
• Submit the necessary required documents in proof of loss

Basic requirements
a. Copy of policy
b. Copy of Official Receipt / Invoice in proof of premium payment
c. Original copy Incident Report / Fire Department Report (BFP)

For Residential

  1. Tax Declaration
  2. Proof of ownership
  3. Pictures of damaged property (Building & Contents)
  4. Estimated cost of damage

For Building

  1. Bill of materials
  2. Plan of the building
  3. Pictures of damaged property
  4. Estimated cost of damage

For Machinery and Other Equipment

  1. Importation documents
  2. Purchase invoice
  3. Technical descriptions including country of origin
  4. Machinery lay-out plans for factories
  5. Certification from electrical and professional mechanical engineer engaged by the Assured
  6. Appraisal reports, if any
  7. Bank records of loan
  8. Pictures of damaged property
  9. Estimated cost of damage

For contents
Stocks of Merchandise

  1. Book of accounts and other business records
  2. ITR
  3. Monthly Bank Statement
  4. Purchase Invoice
  5. Record of tax payments to government entities to determine sales and materials used.
  6. Reports of bank’s financial institution in obtaining loans
  7. Records at the SEC
  8. Bureaus of Commerce for bonded warehouse
  9. Pictures of damaged property / item
  10. Estimate cost of damage

• Other documents that may be deemed necessary.

• Notify CIC of any loss / damage (within 45 hours from date of loss)
• Immediately file a formal claim
• Preserve all documentary evidence of loss / damage
• Take reasonable measure in order to prevent further loss
• Submit the necessary required documents in proof of loss

Documentary requirements

  1. Copy of Policy or Certificate of Insurance
  2. Copy of Official Receipt / Invoice in proof of premium payment
  3. Original copy Incident / Loss Report
  4. Bill of Lading and / or Airway Bill, as applicable
  5. Suppliers invoice
  6. Packing list
  7. Delivery receipts
  8. Turn-over survey issued by Arrastre contractor

• Other documents that may deem necessary.

• Notify CIC in writing in the event of an occurrence
• Take reasonable steps to prevent further loss
• Transmit to CIC immediately all demands, notices, summons or other process received in the event of a claim or suit is filed
• Cooperate with CIC in the investigation, settlement and defense of any claim or suit
• Submit the necessary required documents in proof of loss

Documentary requirements

  1. Copy of Policy
  2. Copy of Official Receipt / Invoice in proof of premium payment
  3. Original copy of Incident Report For Bodily Injury
  4. Original copy of Medical Certificate
  5. Hospital bill if hospitalized
  6. Medical receipts For Property Damage (Garage Keepers Liability)
    On the part of TP
  7. Copy of TP vehicle’s Cert of Registration and its Official Receipt / Invoice
  8. Pictures of damaged TP vehicle
  9. Repair Estimate / Quotation
  10. Certificate of No Claim from TP Insurer

On the part of the Assured

  1. Certificate of Employment of the Assured’s employee / worker
  2. Copy of Driver’s License & or of the Assured’s employee / worker (in case the unit is for test driving)

• Other documents that may deem necessary.

• Notify CIC immediately of the loss
• Submit the necessary required documents in proof of loss

Basic requirements
• Copy of policy
• Copy of official receipt in proof of payment
• Incident/accident report

For Damaged Vehicle

  1. Copy of CR and OR / Invoice
  2. Copy of vehicle’s Sales Invoice if brand new
  3. Copy of Delivery Receipt if brand new
  4. Police / Incident Report
  5. Affidavit of Incident duly notarized in lieu of Police Report
  6. Pictures of damage property
  7. Quotation / repair estimate
  8. Driver’s license & or of the authorized driver
  9. Certificate of Employment of the Authorized Driver

For heavy equipment

  1. Pictures of damaged property
  2. Quotation / repair estimate
  3. License to Operate the Heavy Equipment
  4. Certification from TESDA

• Other documents that may be deemed necessary.

• Give Notice of Claim to CIC
• Present a formal claim stating the nature of loss
• Present proof / evidence of loss
• Submit the necessary requirement documents to CIC
• Fill-out Accident Report Form

Basic requirements

  1. Copy of policy
  2. Copy of or of premium payment
  3. Original copy of Incident Report

In case of injury

  1. Medical Certificate
  2. Hospital bill if hospitalized
  3. Medical receipts

In case of death

  1. Funeral receipts
  2. Burial receipts
  3. Marriage Contract if married

In case the victim is of minor age

  1. Birth Certificate
  2. Parents’ Marriage Contract

• Other documents that may be deemed necessary

• Immediately notify CIC of the loss or damage (assured/claimant must report the incident within 14 days from the date of loss)
• Take all the necessary steps to minimize the extent of the loss
• Preserve the part affected and make them available for inspections
• Furnish all such information and documentary evidence
• Inform the police authorities in case of loss or damage due to theft burglary or sabotage
• Submit/provide the required documents
• Provide CIC contact person & contact number

Documentary requirements

  1. Copy of policy
  2. Copy of OR / Invoice in proof of premium payment
  3. Incident Report
  4. Pictures of damaged property
  5. Quotation

• Other documents that may be deemed necessary

Claim Status

For inquiries and other concern, send us an email: