Basic requirements
• Copy of Insurance Policy & Official Receipt / Invoice
• Copy of Driver’s License & Official Receipt / Invoice
• Stencil of Motor & Chassis Nos.
• Repair Estimate
• Pictures of damaged portion of the vehicle
• Police Report or Affidavit of Accident duly notarized
• Copy of Certificate of Registration & Official Receipt / Invoice
All claims must have the basic requirements together with the additional documents (see below) needed to present upon claiming of insurance.
- Basic Requirements
- Purchase Invoice, if not standard or built-in
- Basic Requirements
- Complaint Sheet of PNP
- Alarm Sheet of PNP
- Certificate of Non-Recovery (to be secured from TPG after 60 days from the date of loss)
- Car Keys
Third Party Liability (CTPL)
- Basic Requirements
- Hospital Billing or Statement of Account
- Medical Receipts
- Medical Certificate
Property Damage
- Basic Requirements
- Third Party Requirements:
2.1 Copy of Certificate of Registration & Official Receipt / Invoice
2.2 Copy of Driver’s License & Official Receipt / Invoice
2.3 Pictures of damaged portion of the vehicle
2.4 Repair Estimate
2.5 Certificate of No-Claim from third party’s insurer
- Basic Requirements
- Hospital Billing / Statement of Account
- Medical Receipts
- Medical Certificate
- Copy of Marriage Contract
- Copy of Birth Certificate
- Death Certificate
Initial requirements to be submitted by the Claimant/Obligee:
a.) Copy of the Bond;
b.) Construction Agreement/Contract; P.O.; NOA; NTP, whichever applies;
c.) Notice to principal/contractor for violation of the contract/agreement due to: delay; negative slippage; incapable of handling the project; poor performance; lack of measure undertaken to resolve various issues on site; non-compliance with the instructions or Terms Of Reference (TOR); failure to meet the scheduled stage/target under the plan or methodology; &/or other violations under the contract (duly signed received by the principal/contractor);
d.) Reply or Letter explanation of the principal;
e.) Notice of Claim against the bond addressed to CIC/Bond’s Dept. about the nature and extent/amount of claim;
f.) Investigation Report/Narrative Report by the Obligee on the facts and nature of claim;
g.) Minutes of the meeting held between the Principal and Obligee, if any;
h.) Taking Over Certificate or contract/agreement of taking over to finish the project including proof of additional expenses incurred if the was taking over;
i.) Pictures of the project showing status/stage, actual performance and percentage of accomplishment at the time of abandonment, stoppage and/or taking over of the project;
j.) Voucher, Invoice (O.R.) or other proof of down payment, progress billings and payments;
k.) Notice from the Claimant/Obligee to terminate the contract (duly received by the Principal/Contractor); Reply or Letter explanation by the principal;
l.) Other requirements may be required during the evaluation process.
*Please note that required documents may vary depending upon the extent, nature and the amount of the claim involved.
• Notify and inform CIC of a loss
• Furnish a complete inventory of damaged and undamaged properties showing detailed quantity, cost and loss
• Render a proof of loss / submit a Sworn Statement in proof of loss
• Submit the necessary required documents in proof of loss
Basic requirements
a. Copy of policy
b. Copy of Official Receipt / Invoice in proof of premium payment
c. Original copy Incident Report / Fire Department Report (BFP)
For Residential
- Tax Declaration
- Proof of ownership
- Pictures of damaged property (Building & Contents)
- Estimated cost of damage
For Building
- Bill of materials
- Plan of the building
- Pictures of damaged property
- Estimated cost of damage
For Machinery and Other Equipment
- Importation documents
- Purchase invoice
- Technical descriptions including country of origin
- Machinery lay-out plans for factories
- Certification from electrical and professional mechanical engineer engaged by the Assured
- Appraisal reports, if any
- Bank records of loan
- Pictures of damaged property
- Estimated cost of damage
For contents
Stocks of Merchandise
- Book of accounts and other business records
- Monthly Bank Statement
- Purchase Invoice
- Record of tax payments to government entities to determine sales and materials used.
- Reports of bank’s financial institution in obtaining loans
- Records at the SEC
- Bureaus of Commerce for bonded warehouse
- Pictures of damaged property / item
- Estimate cost of damage
• Other documents that may be deemed necessary.
• Notify CIC of any loss / damage (within 45 hours from date of loss)
• Immediately file a formal claim
• Preserve all documentary evidence of loss / damage
• Take reasonable measure in order to prevent further loss
• Submit the necessary required documents in proof of loss
Documentary requirements
- Copy of Policy or Certificate of Insurance
- Copy of Official Receipt / Invoice in proof of premium payment
- Original copy Incident / Loss Report
- Bill of Lading and / or Airway Bill, as applicable
- Suppliers invoice
- Packing list
- Delivery receipts
- Turn-over survey issued by Arrastre contractor
• Other documents that may deem necessary.
• Notify CIC in writing in the event of an occurrence
• Take reasonable steps to prevent further loss
• Transmit to CIC immediately all demands, notices, summons or other process received in the event of a claim or suit is filed
• Cooperate with CIC in the investigation, settlement and defense of any claim or suit
• Submit the necessary required documents in proof of loss
Documentary requirements
- Copy of Policy
- Copy of Official Receipt / Invoice in proof of premium payment
- Original copy of Incident Report For Bodily Injury
- Original copy of Medical Certificate
- Hospital bill if hospitalized
- Medical receipts For Property Damage (Garage Keepers Liability)
On the part of TP - Copy of TP vehicle’s Cert of Registration and its Official Receipt / Invoice
- Pictures of damaged TP vehicle
- Repair Estimate / Quotation
- Certificate of No Claim from TP Insurer
On the part of the Assured
- Certificate of Employment of the Assured’s employee / worker
- Copy of Driver’s License & or of the Assured’s employee / worker (in case the unit is for test driving)
• Other documents that may deem necessary.
• Notify CIC immediately of the loss
• Submit the necessary required documents in proof of loss
Basic requirements
• Copy of policy
• Copy of official receipt in proof of payment
• Incident/accident report
For Damaged Vehicle
- Copy of CR and OR / Invoice
- Copy of vehicle’s Sales Invoice if brand new
- Copy of Delivery Receipt if brand new
- Police / Incident Report
- Affidavit of Incident duly notarized in lieu of Police Report
- Pictures of damage property
- Quotation / repair estimate
- Driver’s license & or of the authorized driver
- Certificate of Employment of the Authorized Driver
For heavy equipment
- Pictures of damaged property
- Quotation / repair estimate
- License to Operate the Heavy Equipment
- Certification from TESDA
• Other documents that may be deemed necessary.
• Give Notice of Claim to CIC
• Present a formal claim stating the nature of loss
• Present proof / evidence of loss
• Submit the necessary requirement documents to CIC
• Fill-out Accident Report Form
Basic requirements
- Copy of policy
- Copy of or of premium payment
- Original copy of Incident Report
In case of injury
- Medical Certificate
- Hospital bill if hospitalized
- Medical receipts
In case of death
- Funeral receipts
- Burial receipts
- Marriage Contract if married
In case the victim is of minor age
- Birth Certificate
- Parents’ Marriage Contract
• Other documents that may be deemed necessary
• Immediately notify CIC of the loss or damage (assured/claimant must report the incident within 14 days from the date of loss)
• Take all the necessary steps to minimize the extent of the loss
• Preserve the part affected and make them available for inspections
• Furnish all such information and documentary evidence
• Inform the police authorities in case of loss or damage due to theft burglary or sabotage
• Submit/provide the required documents
• Provide CIC contact person & contact number
Documentary requirements
- Copy of policy
- Copy of OR / Invoice in proof of premium payment
- Incident Report
- Pictures of damaged property
- Quotation
• Other documents that may be deemed necessary